October 8th 2005: Dear lord, it's been over a month i updated, i'm the worst webmiss ever lol. I'm so so soooo sorry. I'm not going to upload all the latest news, there are enough other fansites who do update haha. But anyways, i found a whole bunch of M2M HQ's, that i think most of you'd like to see. Click the link below, to d/l a zipfile with all the pics in there :) Enjoy!
M2M HQ's Download Here
September 2nd 2005: Very sorry i haven't updated for so long, i could tell all
the Marion news, but it can all be checked at the other great fansites like MarionMania and M2MUltimate, etc... I will try to get a new layout up very soon and since news from 2003 is still on this page, there will be a news-archive, i'll try to get as many pictures up at the gallery as i can and it will be much better so stay tuned for that. The updates about Marion will be kind of slow so make sure to check out the other sites that i mentioned!
Although there is one important newsflash;
Marion Raven:"I might as well just get this over with. No. I dont wanna go on a date."
hahaha, that's all for now!
August 10th 2005: Click here for a (norwegian) tv-spot of Marion. It's pretty cool! Thanks to Warner Norway
Just added captures of the tvspot as well :)
August 9th 2005: More Free Record Store pics are uploaded right here
Thanks to M2M2U!
August 9th 2005: Maggie met Marion! Check out her pics
Marion wrote a song for norwegian singer Tommy Michaelsen called "Completely in love" Thanks to Desiree who found out in this article
August 8th 2005: Desiree got to meet Marion today at the Free Record Store in Norway!
Two pics are added right here
Thanks to Desiree!
Here's her story:
well, it was really great! It was about 40 or 50 people there, or something like that Smiler
It was inside the record store, the stage is really small, and we got to watch from a really close distance!Maggie and I were at the front road, we could touch her keyboard if we wanted, hehe Big Grin
Marion kept smiling and said "It's so good to be home, and see familar faces among the crowd!" Her friends were there, Ida and some others, and her sister, her cousin ( lol she was really cute, and had like 5 cd's she wanted Marion to sign for her Big Grin I think her name was Rebecca. I heard Marion say something like "Thanks for coming too, Rebecca)
Marion started out singing HERE I AM. Then LITTLE BY LITTLE, CRAWL, FOR YOU I'LL DIE, END OF ME and BREAK YOU!
IN the middle of each song, she goes like "Tusen takk for at dere kom, til å med i alt regnet!" (Thank you so much for coming, depsite the rainy weather) OR "Just have to drink a little water"
Uhm, when she was done singing, she went backstage! And came right back out, ready to sign cd's! Smiler
Maggie and I stood there waiting for our turn, even 8 year olds wanted their cd signed! Big Grin
And yup, Maggie had brought her camera and asked Marion if she could take a picture with her. Marion said something like "I guess that would be alright, yes" So yup, I took the picture for her.
I only had my mobile phone with me, so lol, I figured I wouldn't ask for a picture. But I got my CD signed =) Yuuuppp!
And I got to talk a few words with Marion!
August 7th 2005: 3 New UHQ's of the Here I Am shoot are added right here they look great! Don't forget to credit MarionRavenOnline if you want to use them, otherwise i will haunt you down :p
August 5th 2005: Mann, Elle and Topp magazine scans (Thanks to Desiree) are uploaded here
Make sure to vote for Marion at DeeJayLink you can vote as much as you like.
I uploaded caps from Marion performing "End Of Me" at Bar None from the video hingis80 made, you can look at the caps right here
August 4th 2005: First off, sorry for the lack of updates, there has been quit some Marion news but i've just been slacking, sorry!
Marion is on the cover of MTV Ink magazine and the norwegian Elle (scans will be added in the gallery as are other pictures very soon!)
Lula from MarionMania found cool pics of Marion, but since they're copyrighted they can't be posted, so click Here to see them
Marion did a showcase in Singapore at Bar None (29-7-05) there's a video that will be uploaded soon (thanks to Dezmond from the boards) Marion also performed at the Presidents Star Charity, she sang Here I Am and End Of Me, again there will be a video uploaded soon also thanks to Dezmond
Marion hosted the 987FM Top 10 Countdown and it was recorded by GhostZM from the boards and that will be up soon here as well =)
That's about it for now, i will soon upload lots of pictures and the video and audio ofcourse. Also don't forget to head to MarionMania they are having a contest!
July 20th 2005: 2 new pics, which you can find Here
Also go to MarionRavenFriends to find out about some promotion for Marion!
July 17th 2005: A whole bunch of Blog pictures are uploaded! Also Thanks to Desiree, pictures from VG magazine, which you can see Here
According to Warner Music Sweden, Here I Am and also the single Break You will be released August 10th, the same day HIA will be released in Norway (thanks to MarionMania, where i found the news)
July 15th 2005: Marion is on the cover of DVD Info, they talk about the special editon of "Here I Am"

July 13th 2005: Go to this site to see Marion perform "Crawl" and "For You I'll Die" live! If i understand correctly a part 2 will come up soon as well, enjoy!
Edit: Already figured out the other live videos: "Little By Little" and "Here I Am"
July 11th 2005: Just a quick update to say that i got the Break You single! Big Thanks to Desiree who send me the single!! I scanned the cover check it out right Here
July 8th 2005: Marion updated her blogpictures i uploaded them in the gallery, go check them out!
July 4th 2005: "Break You" is out in Norway today! The single also has "Surfing The Sun". Here the cover:

July 2nd 2005: Today is Live8, to show your support go to Live8Live and sign the list! Thank You
Marion performed today in Thailand; the Here I Am concert, with her band Last Week at the Siam Discovery at 5pm. As Oah (from the official boards) told; She played "Here I Am", "Crawl", "The Day You Went Away", "Little By Little", "For You I'll Die", "13 Days", "Break You" and "End Of Me".
July 1st 2005: First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Marit! She's 22 today :)
Second; Marion is Artist Of The Month at Hitz.Fm ...sadly the article isn't new so that's kinda dissapointing.
June 25th 2005: Kath met Marion!! Check out her whole story at Marion Mania Woohoo!
Also i finally uploaded the rest of the "Break You" caps and i uploaded some more pics in the Magazine gallery,plus a wallpaper,check them out right --> Here
June 25th 2005: Due to a fire at the Music Museum, Marion will be playing at the Hard Rock Cafe in Makati City, hopefully everyone can still make it
June 24th 2005: "Here I Am" is out in Taiwan and Singapore with a special addition: End of Me video and making of (on Taiwan version)
Marion will be in Singapore June 27th only for one day but she'll be back end of July!
Tomorrow, June 25th, Marion will perform in Manila, Phillippines at the Music Museum at 8:30pm She'll perform for the first time with her back, "Last Week"! It's a back to back concert a local artist called Kitchie Nadal
Also check out a new journal entry from Marion, dated june 21st.
June 22nd 2005: Great news from Japan, "Break You" is #1 on the international weekly airplay charts and Marion's album "Here I Am" is #4 in the Tower International combined Top 30 chart in Malaysia. Sadly Marion's visit to Indonesia is postponed, go to marion-raven.com to check what Marion said about it
Marion is on the cover of Cleo again
Other then that i have a lot of images to upload which will be done soon, and ofcourse still the video...sorry for the wait, i'm horrible i know!
June 11th 2005 AGAIN: Go to the gallery, check under New, i uploaded a whole bunch of new pics of a new photoshoot Marion did! :)
lol Uploaded a little clip of Surfin The Sun (different then the one at marionmania.com) Sorry that it's such bad quality though :(
Click Here
June 11th 2005: Extra! Download 2 new videos right here! Click on the links below, i will soon make an actual videopage :)
Comment Digest
June 11th 2005: Lots of picture updates! First i uploaded 120 caps of the Break You video...more to come! Second i made caps from a video message of Marion and i uploaded two new pics (check in the gallery under "New") So go to the Gallery to see it all!
Also i found 2 new videos of Marion i will try to upload these here as soon as possible and ofcourse the bigger version of the Break You video is to come soon as well.
Thanks to MarionMania there's a clip of the bonustrack "Surfin The Sun", so go to marionmania.com, then to "Marion" and then "clips", enjoy :)
June 10th 2005: Album scans are up right HERE
All credit goes to Kath from marionmania.com. So big thank you!
Other then that check out the new look of marion-raven.com! It also has more release dates of the album. And go to her official Blog to read where she wrote the bonustrack "Surfin The Sun"
Break You caps and video will be uploaded soon, promise ;)
June 8th 2005: Marion made a new journal update a few days ago, go to her official site to read. There are new scans/articles up at marion2u which will be added here soon. Go to the Misc photogallery to see a new pic of Marion, thanks to Marion Raven Friends! More gallery updates: End Of Me captures are uploaded. Break You captures will be (hopefully) up tomorrow. Two blog pictures have been uploaded as well.
Also i found a bigger/better video of Break You which i will upload either tonight or tomorrow so you can download that very soon
Thanks to Desiree (posted on MarionMania , who emailed the norwegian Elle, Marion's photoshoot will be in Elle for July!
Don't forget to keep voting for Marion to be the artist of the month at Hitz.Fm Well that's about it, more pictures, etc will soon be uploaded!
June 4th 2005: Ok so Marion is going to tour in Asia (check her site for dates) with a band called "Last Week", check their site at Last Week Rock
June 4th 2005: Great news the "End Of Me" video is out and it's awesome. If you want to see it go to MarionMania you can d/l it there (it has a little bit of the interview with Marion on it)
There's also a video of the photoshoot Marion did for the norwegian magazine "Ditt Bryllup", you can find that on marion's forum
Well Marion also answered some question on the board so make sure you check that out as well!
June 2nd 2005: Thanks to Marion Raven Friends there's news about another bonustrack, apart from the japanese bonustrack "Surfin' the sun" , it's called "There i said it", hopefully more info to come!
Thanks to Maggie for the news; "Break You" is being played pretty often on Power Hit Radio in norway (FM 107.4)
Also Marion is artist of the month (june) for Moto Alert, there's a commercial shown on tv about it :)
And last..for now; In SouthEast Asia Marion will be on MTV Most Wanted, June 6th! So if you live there make sure you watch it, tape it and if you can show it to others lol
June 2nd 2005: I'm trying to get more people to join Marion Raven Friends fanclub

So please join, it's completely free :)
June 1st 2005: Some lucky people had a chat with Marion, you can check out the transcript of the chat at Marion Raven Friends
May 30th 2005: Preview the full album! Thanks to Kath (marionmania) who found the link, you can preview the full album at mtvasia, go HERE
May 30th 2005: Thanks to Linzi from the boards who found the link; Asian fans pay attention you can meet Marion! Check out this link
May 29th 2005: New message from Marion!
Thank you so much for all your birthday wishes. i had a great day at home celebrating my day. I got a wetsuite,the Rolling stones bio book, ACDC DVD set, and a hippy shirt that said "I love beach surfing" and A Ramones live dvd. I ate strawberries with milk and sugar and drank the norwegian soda "Solo". I then packed and flew back to New York the next morning. I am so happy I got to spend my birthday at home, but I will now party how you're suppose to party when you turn 21 in America. It's very important.
Also better quality clips will be up soon! Including a clip of "Little By Little" :)
May 29th 2005: Extra: For everyone who doesn't know how to register or can't play the clips, i made some (crappy) clips of the songs, except break you, you can download them right here:
Get Me Out Of Here Crawl Here I Am
May 29th 2005: Go HERE to listen to clips of Marion's upcoming album! You do have to register first though. You can listen to clips of "Break You", "Crawl", "Get me out of here" and "Here I Am"...enjoy!
May 28th 2005: Marion updated her blog, check it out right here Also Marion's single Break You is new at nr10 in norwegian playlist
Check out MRO's affiliates at the WWW page!
May 25th 2005: Thanks to Maggie there's a scan from Her & Na, wishing Marion a happy birthday! Scan is added in the Gallery under Magazine! Thanks again Maggie :)
May 25th 2005: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARION! Today is Marion's 21st birtday :) I'd like to wish her a great day and all the happiness in the world, you rock!
May 24th 2005: Idea from MarionMania (site is currently down); Sign this Guestbook to wish Marion a Happy Birthday! Tomorrow is the big day, she'll be 21 then! So make sure to sign it :)
May 24th 2005: GUESTBOOK is up! Please sign it! Thank you.
May 24th 2005: Even MORE UHQ's, this time with Marit Larsen from The Big Room period, hope you all enjoy these! You can check them out right HERE *Credit Anonymous Source*
May 23rd 2005: Check out these AWESOME UHQ's of Marion that i found, they were too big to upload in the gallery, so i made a special page for them, you can check them out right HERE *Credit Anonymous Source*
May 21st 2005: According to Marion Raven Friends "Here I Am" will be released in Mexico, July 25th!
May 16th 2005: It turns out there are 2 different versions for the "Break You" video, 1 st one you can find right Here you have to register first and another one that was aired on norwegian tv, which i'll try to post soon
The cd cover turns out to be the worldwide cover
May 15th 2005: Added 2 official wallpapers (in 3 different sizes) in the gallery under "wallpapers" so go check that out!
May 13th 2005: Two new photo's made by Maki Kawakita are uploaded to the gallery, under photoshoots, so go check that out!
May 12th 2005: Here's the CD Cover for Marion's upcoming album. We don't know if this is just the Japanese cover version or International.

Picture is also added to the gallery
Also on the Norwegian tvshow "Absolutt Underholdning" on TV2, they will air Marion's new video!
May 9th 2005: I made a start of the gallery, click HERE
May 8th 2005 Xtra: I will make a gallery soon, some of the new photos of Marion have been taken by a photographer called Maki Kawakita, if anyone's interested check out these links: Maki Marge Casey Lightstalkers The gallery will be up soon :)
May 8th 2005: Tracklist according toWMG.JP/Marion
07. 13 DAYS
15. SURFIN THE SUN (Bonus Track)
Good news for Mexico (thanks for the news from Marion Raven Friends "Break You" will be released next week there, hopefully soon followed by other countries.
May 6th 2005: Go right HERE to check out a clip of Marion's new video for "Break You" and a videomessage from her!
May 5th 2005: Check out these new live performances Marion did: MARION LIVE I'll try to get some actual downloads soon. Other then that, the tracklist for Marion's upcoming album "Here I Am" , and now we finally now who she sings her duet with...Everclear!
Marion Raven - Here I Am
Marion Raven - Heads Will Roll
Marion Raven - Get Me Out Of Here
Marion Raven - Break You
Marion Raven - Six Feet Under
Marion Raven - In Spite Of Me
Marion Raven - 13 Days
Marion Raven - End Of Me
Marion Raven - At The End Of The Day (FT Art Alexakis & Everclear)
Marion Raven - For You I'll Die
Marion Raven - Gotta Be Kidding
Marion Raven - Crawl
Marion Raven - Let Me Introduce Myself
Marion Raven - Little By Little
Also there's a track called "Get Over Me" which isn't going to be on the album, right now you can d/l it at M2M Australia but if you want it, be quick! I'll make a clip of it soon and post that
Aaron from the MR forum posted what Marion said at the HITZ.FM Hot 20 chart show, you can check that out right HERE
And last make sure to go to the wonderful M2M Ultimate where you can download the "Wanna be where you are" video!
April 29th 2005: Check the AUDIO page for the End Of Me (album version) and End Of Me (radio edit)! They are both in .asf format
April 27th 2005: Thanks for Fer for the link, 3 videos of Marion performing at an exclusive listening party! Click HERE Or if you want to download the videos straight to your computer
Enjoy! :)
PLUS news pics of her listeningparty Check the pictures out right HERE
April 26th 2005: Thanks to Linzi who found the article, news about Marion's showcase; Marion Raven Proves Her Worth At Singapore Showcase
April 26, 2005
Singapore - Marion Raven now looks like a girly version of Stevie Nicks with her long flowing tresses, long black dress, and bohemian-like accessories.
Last seen in the local shores at the 2002 MTV Asia Awards as M2M with Marit Larsen, the Norwegian born 21-year-old has been working hard on her solo material and is now ready to unveil her debut album titled Here I Am scheduled for release on June 6, 2005.
Making an appearance with a short showcase at the M Hotel in Singapore yesterday, Raven performed a couple of the new tracks -- "End of Me," "Break You," "Little By Little," and "Here I Am" -- on acoustic guitar. Gone was the teenage cutsy of M2M. In its place is Raven's assertive voice of vengeful yet positive tunes backed with a strong radio-friendly pop-rock vibe.
But that isn't to say that Raven has forgotten that it's was with M2M that she first found international stardom with the hit "Don't Say You Love Me."
"It's been three years and I see some familiar faces. So nice!" said Raven after recognising some of the fans who were in attendance. And to show her gratitude, the talented instrumentalist did an impromptu performance of "The Day You Went Away" on the piano, while encourging her fans to sing along with her.
Another highlight came when Raven churned out the epic and beautiful "13 Days" that she co-wrote with Chantal Kreviazuk and Raine Maida (Our Lady Peace) on the ivory keys. After a slight mistake, Raven apologised for still having the tune of "The Day You Went Away" in her head and revealed that "it's the first time I've played the song to anybody."
Other than the songs that showcased Raven's newfound maturity and rising force as a female singer/songwriter, it's also the air of luminous confidence and sincerity that make Raven's presence all the the more endearing. To paraphase a Beatles song, this Norwegian bird has flown indeed.
-- Lennat Mak
Plus a new picture

April 19th 2005: New Marion Raven Pictures!

Go HERE to read a new blogupdate from Marion, a.k.a Doping Panda lol
April 17th 2005: Check this site out you can listen to Marion's first single "Break You"
Right HERE (Thanks to Lula who found the link)
Also there's a list of songs that will (most likely) be on the album (thnx to ThisGuy) In some countries there may be bonustracks.
01. Get out of me
02. Break * u
03. Crawl
04. Here I am
05. Little by Little
06. End of me
07. 13 days
08. I'll die for you
09. brand new me
10 heads Will roll
11. End of the day (duet with ?)
12. 6 feet under
13 Gutter
14. Inspite of me
15. Surfing the sun (the Japanese board bonus)
If you live in Singapore enter THIS Contest here to have a change to go see Marion perform her new songs live before the album has come out!
April 6th 2005: Finally some BIG news. There have been a couple of single and album dates announced on marion's official site. April 25th Break You radio/video release for Australia/Mexico/Japan/New Zealand. April 25th End Of Me radio release for Southeast Asia. May 23rd Break You commercial single release for Australia. June 4th Here I Am album release for Southeast Asia. June 8th Here I Am album release for Japan/Australia/New Zealand/Mexico
There will be more release dates coming soon. So hopefully we'll hear about it soon!
March 3rd 2005: Good news, Marion performed. A lucky boardmember Phillip747 got to see the showcase..this is what he said: Tonight I was fortunate enough to be invited to see Marion's showcase for Record executives.
She played at The Knitting Factory and performed 7 songs
Get Me Out
Break You
13 Days
Here I Am
Heads Will Roll
I'll Die For You
My favorites were Crawl, Here I Am, and I'll Die For You
All of them were rockers except for I'll Die For You a very pretty ballad.
It was such a treat to see Marion after 3 years, performing and rocking out.
It was very cool to see her with her red electric guitar, swaying around and doing rock star poses, which seemed very natural for her.
She played a few numbers on her keyboard too.
So that sounds pretty awesome :)
February 23rd 2005: BIG apology site hasn't been updated in really long. Recently Marion did a chat with some lucky ppl. I'll try to post the transcript as soon as possible. Also Marion entered a new journal entry. Everything is really gonna get going soon. It won't be long before the first single comes out and Marion is gonna be everywhere! Pretty exciting stuff. Anyways, i'll try to be a good girl and as soon as possible update more parts of the site and maybe even get a new layout.
December 9th 2004: Marion's site is up again! So check it out, Marion-Raven.com :)
Also the forum is up again so sign up and chat along. Hopefully they'll have some news on the site soon and some more pics. Yay!
December 5th 2004: It has been ages since i last updated, but i finally have some news,
if you go to Marion-Raven.com you can sign up for her mailinglist. Hopefully the site will now, for real, be up soon! Also i found a beautiful HiRes photo of M2M at the Pantene Pro Voice event back in 2002, i will post that soon
October 13th 2004: Check out right here a new pic of Marit performing at the P3Sessions: MARIT
And this article on nrk.no, i have no idea what it says but here ya go:
October 12th 2004: VERY SORRY for the major lack of updates, my computer had been broken for a while and when i got it back i just didn't really feel like doing any work on the site + there wasn't that much to update. Anyway onto the news. Today on NRK.no Marit performed 3 of her songs. They are absolutely amazing! If you weren't lucky to listen to them, check out M2M-Ultimiate.tk for an audio recording. It's 14mb big, and if you can't d/l it right away, just try again later! The songs are definetly worth listening to. Right now that's about it for the news. I'll see if i'll update more stuff later..but i'm taking it slow with the site right now :)
July 1st 2004: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Marit!! it's her 21st birthday today, hopefully she'll have a great day :) Check out THIS Marit Tribute made by Silvy from M2M-Ultimate
June 24th 2004: No news yet, but i am planning to put on a new layout in a while. I only just started working on it today, so it'll be awhile before i put it up :)
June 19th 2004: Well from what i've heard thanks to sites like Marion2u and M2M-Ultimate Marion album looks to be really great! Max Martin co-wrote and produced the whole album with Marion, which he normally doesn't do! Here's an article (translated by Marcus) Marion Ravn is soon finished!
For a long time the former M2M star, Marion Ravn has been in the studio. She has written and produced songs for her upcoming solo album together with no other than Max Martin. He has never made an entire album with an artist, but only a couple of songs.
Marion Raven should feel honored by Max Martins commitment.
The swedish paper "BON" thinks Marion will become the biggest popstar in Norway, of all time.
Soon we will get the answer!!!
So that sounds very good, i also added a few links you can see them at the WWW page :)
June 11th 2004: Great Marion news! (from MARION2Ua great marion fansite by Kim! There's an norwegian magazine called "Her og Na" and it contains an article about Marion. They explain why the album wasn't released in last year December. It's because Atlantic is being sold to Warner Music. The article also contains new promo pictures for Marion's new album. If you live in Norway go buy the album and scan the pics! Hopefully we'll see some of it soon! The US fans are very lucky cos the album will be released there first!
On another note i made a new website, a fansite for my lovely friend Silvy from m2m-ultimate :) You can check it out right here: SILVY FAN Right now only the index,facts,faves and quotes pages are up, but there will be more soon!
June 8th 2004: I keep apoligising for the lack of updates. Sadly there's just not much to update..check out some more titles for Marion's upcoming album:
Have Mercy
Get Over Me
End of Me
Six Feet Under
Here I Am
You Gotta Be Kidding
Brand New Me
I am planning a big update soon..but there are prolly not gonna be any updates very soon, right now. The news is slow and Marion's site still isn't up. Soon i hope to have the gallery up and lots more! And maybe even a new layout. Stay tuned!
May 24th 2004: Sorry for the lack of updates..there's just not any news of Marion right now. Hopefully soon Marion's site will re-open again and don't forget tomorrow is Marion's 20th birthday!! I'll probably update some pictures and other stuff tomorrow too :)
May 8th 2004: Check out the Caps page I uploaded Disney live Give a little love, Channel V and a bunch of TV2 caps :)
May 6th 2004: I updated the Webpartners page go check it out right HERE
May 5th 2004: 1 new pic, from Ditt Bryllup..at the time there was one pic not working, but now it is so here it is, very beautiful :) MARIONRAVN
May 4th 2004: I need some help, go HERE to find out more!
May 2nd 2004: OK i just added 19 articles to the site, which you can check out here: ARTICLES
May 1st 2004: 2 new pictures of Marion, thx to marion2u&m2m-ultimate PICTURE1 PICTURE2
Other then that again, not much Marion news Don't forget to go to M2M-Ultimate for a translation of a new Marion article :)
April 26th 2004: Sadly still no Marion news :( But i do have good news i opened an account at Photobucket to upload my screencaps of dif. videos of m2m/marion that i made :) I already added loads of caps so check it out right HERE I'll add more caps soon and upload more pics here as well!
April 22nd 2004: You can check out cd/single scans (most of which i scanned) right HERE Sadly there isn't any new Marion news,her site is still closed....
April 10th 2004: From Marion2U there are new pics of Marion. The pics are from last december in Oslo at a radiostation Oslo1 Oslo2
April 3rd 2004: New pics of Marion from Marion2U check them out: 1 2 3
April 1st 2004: Thanks to M2M-Ultimate, the translation (made by Marcus) of the Ditt Bryllup article (Norwegian brides mag) is up Also for the ppl who come at the mr forum, which is closed right now You can go to this FORUM That i made for all the hang out on It's really fun, so join us! :) That's all for now
March 25th 2004: The official Marion Raven site is closed right now. It will be back real soon (i hope) with a new layout and a new messageboard. Hope to see all you ppl back really soon again! :)
March 23rd 2004: I made 30 to 40 second clips of Marion's new songs which you can d/l right here: Audio Or you can go to this topic at Marion's board to read where you can get the full clips in .wma format from the promosquad clips: HERE
March 20th 2004: Good news! Follow the following links to listen to clips of Marion's songs :), thanks to phantasmagoric for the links:
You gotta be kiddin Six feet under Here I am End of me
Hopefully the links will work for everybody,i heard the songs and they are awesome!! Can't wait for the album release yay!
March 17th 2004: A little article thingie i found at hitsville.no:
Marion Raven - Two weeks with max weather!
We had the pleasure of having Marion and her manager Thomas here for two weeks in late August. At times she also had her nice family visiting. Same goes for the paparazzis and TV crews, though they weren't all that wekcome...
We made six songs with her, and had a fantastic time while working. Credits to manager Thomas Erdtman for the cozy chats, fine meals and his caring presence. That said, he probably spent most of his time fishing and hunting. We wish you the best of luck as you strike your deals and otherwise prepare for the future. We'd certailny wish to have you here again, down by the border...
also 2 new pics from the same site, of marion in the studio thanks to Frodio for the links :) studio1 studio2
March 15th 2004: Marion answered a whole bunch of questions of a fan at the mb:
Sure I'll answer some of your questions!
1 Does Marisa still check the webmaster questions.
Sure she does! The site is up and running!
2 Do you still reply to emails cause i was thinking of sending you one.
Yes I do! The only promblem is that some people put me on all kins of weird e-mailing list..and I get a lot trash mail..So I use most of my time deleting e-mails I don't want
3 If u do still reply how long on average if i was to get a reply would i have to wait to hear back from you.
That's hard to say..
4 Can you tell us some of the song names that will be on the Cd you are bringing out. Nope, sorry.. I can't tell you yet!
5 Are you and Marit still freinds.
Sure we are :)
6 I remember that I asked you ages ago if you had your licene well you hadnt at that time so I was wondering have you got your licence yet.
Yeah! I had it for one year now and I love driving around!
7 Its none of the groups business but do you have a bf (boyfreind) yet just a question. No I don't.
8 How often are you in the chat room.
Not that often. I should get better at visiting the rooms
9 How often are you in here messageing
At least twice a week or more
10 What do you think of australians.
I really like Australia and the people there! It's one of my favourite places. I can't wait to come back!
March 12th 2004: More pics from the brides magazine, click on these links to see the photos :) Marion looks awesome! 123456789 That's it for now, more news hopefully soon!
March 9th 2004: Ok another new pic from the brides mag. Check it out right HERE
Oh and you can TRY and listen to some marion songs at promosquad.com, you have to register, open up the jukebox, answer some questions and wait a half year...and then you get to listen to her songs. If you're lucky...and if you get the thing to work :)
March 2nd 2004: Long time no update..the site is back up again..lol does anyone care :p Anyway there's some Marion news; She did a photoshoot for a norwegian brides magazine There was an article about it a vg.no you can check that our right HERE You can some photos there too. Also if you want to order the magazine just go HERE
This is all the marion news for now. Hopefully we'll hear more soon!
January 25th 2004: Sorry about the lack of updated. My computer got all messed up so. Anyway, i'm back again and i found 2 nice articles at my friend's (Silvy) site,m2m-ultimate, regarding Marion. It looks to be a great album!;
"Finished with new CD"
Marion and producer Max Martin worked on it for over a year.
Atlantic Records is comfirming that she is a global priority to the company.
Only a handful European artists are in a situation where they're directly signed to a major company on the worlds biggest market.
"I've been involved with the album since the first day, but I still get amazed every time I hear her sing." says Andrew Feigenbaum, who's the main in charge for artists at Atlantic.
"Marion's a global priority for Atlandtic. We have the songs now that will make her an international star." Says Feigenbaum
No release date has been set yet, officially.
"I have heard the songs hundreds of times the past months. every time I get goosebumps. Something I cant say about the songs I hear on the radio these days." Says Feigenbaum.
Responsibility for the mixing of the album has been handed to the Swede, Michael Ilbert, who's known to be working with - The Hellacopters(Swedish), The Nomads(Swedish), Sator(Swedish) and The Wannadies(Swedish) - But the guy has also produced Celine Dion, The Cardigans(Swedish), Roxette(Swedish), Ulf Lundell(Swedish), and norwegian names such as Vibeke Saugestad and Bel Canto.
"We couldn't have got a better production team than Max Martin and his crew." Feigenbaum explains.
Second article: Max Martin Producing Norwegian Talent
The swedish producer and songwriter Max Martin is working on introducing the norwegian talent Marion Ravn to the world of music. Martin has been working with the 19-year old singer's debut album for over a years and it's finished to be released writes Verdens Gang.
Marion Ravn, who made up the one half of the split up duo M2M, has herself written all the song material that is produced by Max Martin. According to the release plan, the album is going to be relased in USA in the summer and after that to be launched all over the world. Besides Max Martin there is another swede involved in the production. Michael Ilbert, who earlier been with among others Roxette, Hellacopters and Wannadies, has mixed the album which is being relased through the record company Atlantic.
Source: UNT.se
Translation: Marcus Fredriksson
I'll leave the article up here for a few days, then i'll put it on the articles page, soon to be up :)
January 1st 2004: Well Marion posted a new message on the board and here's what she had to say: Happy New Year! Hey Everyone
Just wanted to wish you all a happy new year! This is going to be a very excited year and I can't wait for all of you to hear my album!!
Big hug from Marion
December 30th 2003: Just wanted to say i hope everyone had a great christmas and well..it's almost 2004 Let the year start & end fantastic for you all! Marion Raven Online will have loads more updates in 2004 It will be a big year for Marion :)
December 22th 2003: Two days ago Marion posted a new message again;
Christmas is close, and I've been laying in bed for two days now being REALLY sick. I hate being sick, it is so boring and you're not capable of doing anything! But I'm optimistic about it all, and I should be out of bed for Christmas Eve. Earlier this week I went to see one of my favourite bands in concert, "The Strokes"..they were really great. :p Other than that it's all good!!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
She also send the fanclub members an email, basically just all wishing
them a Merry Christmas and a Happy Newyear And i put Marion Musical Story up, you can check it out here and i put up the facts :)
December 10th 2003: Marion posted a little message on the board
We are going to update the site when new pictures, music comes in and when things are starting to happend. It is not much to write about right now. I am sorry it is taking time,,but I promise it will be really good!
The record won't come out until Spring time or so..I don't know yet. My look would always be to be myself, but of course I've change a little since last year ;o)
December 3rd 2003(again): I just wanna make clear what pages are up
news about the site webgurl On the marionpage the contact and quotes pages are up..the other 2 are up to actually..but still with the old layout so media page is up with gallery (this is just a gallery index!) On the fans page the favorites are up :) www is up And last, the credits
Hopefully this way no-one will click on a bad link When i make more updates it'll be on this page together with all the Marion news :)
December 3rd 2003: TheQuotes page is up, so check it out! :)
December 2nd 2003: Marion left a little message today at the board which said;
Hi Everyone
Well, I'm pretty sure we have the first single, but you never know..it might get changed. They just told me it won't be any single out until spring time..'cause the album is not totally done yet. So I am sorry that you have to wait for so long..
I'm not sure about the video yet.. M.
So that isn't really great news, it means we have to wait even longer to hear Marion's songs :( Well other then that i'm trying to slowly get the galleries up, but it will take some time, so sorry!
November 13th 2003: Well i totally neglected (sp?) this site for quite a while..but right now I am really busy trying to finish it all real soon!
Still there's not much news around Marion, but according to a very lucky fan called Marcus who got to meet her in Sweden and even listen to some songs, it all sounds really good! So i'm pretty excited about it, and if all goes well the first single will (probably) be out around next month and the album in 2004!!
September 29th 2003: Still quiet around Marion..she's working hard on her album :)
September 10th 2003: Message from Marion: "Hi everyone! I am SO SORRY I hardly have time to come talk to you all at the board anymore But remember, it's for a good cause...my new record! It's been going really well in the studio. I will tell you more details when I can. I'm at home in Norway, cause i'm sick I got the fever and everything. I hate being sick. So I spend my time watching VH1 or reading "Prozac nation"..or practising the new songs on the guitar. I also finally got to get a good look at my birthday gifts and card from you! (I haven't spend much time at home at all!) And I just wanna say thank you very much. You are the best! I know it's a lot of waiting and not much news...but thanks for sticking around for me Tons of love from Marion :)
September 7th 2003: Marion Raven Online opened officially today!!